What is Hoodoo Girl Magic?

What is Hoodoo Girl Magic?

Hello Beautiful Soul! 


I am so happy that you are here. Let’s have a girl talk that answers the question, 


‘What is Hoodoo Girl Magic?’   


Hoodoo Girl Magic is a community and a space for Women to learn, grow and heal.  As women we are so incredibly strong and that's wonderful.  However, here I want you to help you to learn to feel safe, to be able to realy allow yourself to feel okay being emotional and vulnerable, to open your heart and follow your intuition and I want you to DREAM BIG!  I promise you will return to the other parts of your life restored, renewed and with beautiful, balanced feminine strength.


I have been blessed with knowledge and tools about Hoodoo, Spirituality and Femininity and I want to share it with you.  I have a shop of carefully selected Products as well I also create Products and Rituals with my knowledge to enhance your life and soul.  I believe that this life is a journey and it can be made easier by sharing it with others.  


Society has put so much on us to be Career Women, Super Women, and "Boss Bitches," and we are so accustomed to giving and giving.  Women have always been the backbone of the community.  Your Big Mama or for me My Nana was where you would seek refuge.  We wear so many hats. We are wives, mothers, sisters and friends who do a lot.  Whether you work from home taking care of children, work from home with a business or work outside at a job sometimes life can become stressful. 

I completely get it and it happens to me.  I get stressed too but I also have tools to transform it. We often think we need to do,do,do but really we want to feel good.

According to Dr. Pat Allen, the author of Getting To I Do and many other phenomenal relationship books, says that “ladies or girls who desire to be in their feminine energy, especially with a man, need to feel good to do good.”  She says that “when we feel good we can do good for everyone in our life'' and that this is different from a masculine energy man who "needs to do good to feel good."  


My goal with Hoodoo Girl Magic is to teach you rituals to help with every part of your life but especially to relieve stress and rebalance, to give to yourself first which incredibly makes you more available for others.  It makes all the difference in creating a life you love, that is magic and be able to Manifest Your Dreams!  


I don’t believe there are any coincidences in life.  Your soul was led here to Hoodoo Girl Magic to embrace your inheritance left by your ancestors.  Join the Hoodoo Girl Magic Community and Become a Hoodoo Girl! 


Sending you a huge dose of Sparkling Positive Energy, the Highest Blessings and of course LOVE,


Alicia Bond

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