What is Beauty Magic?

What is Beauty Magic?
Hello Beautiful Soul!  


I am so happy that you are here!  Let’s have a girl talk that answers the question, 


‘What is Hoodoo?’ part 2

Before Hoodoo, I was a person who felt desperate and helpless because I had no idea how to really fix or change things.  I had never done a spell before. I didn’t really believe that spells or magic could work.  I had learned that practicing “Black magic” was something bad, dark and to stay away from. Ironically, Hoodoo was one of the best things to happen to me.  I became a person who was empowered and confident to face life’s obstacles.

It became a way to change my circumstances and overcome my challenges just like my Ancestors.  This magic was developed to be empowered within a system that gave no justice.  

Yes, Hoodoo is a set of magical practices with tools like herbs, mojo bags, candles, charms and powders but it’s so much more.  Hoodoo is a form of magic and a rich legacy or inheritance in North.   It is a mixture of spiritual practices from the Western and other parts of Africa.  It borrows from different forms of disciplines like Voodoo, Vodun, Wicca, and yes, Christianity. It differs from each of these practices because it is a mixture of many of them and pulls from many different disciplines.  It is not a religion nor is it pagan. 

Although, there are commonalities that can always be found traditionally in Hoodoo what it means to Hoodoo is that it’s your practice.  You can say “I’m going to Hoodoo it up” when you are substituting things in your work or you can say “I’m a Hoodoo”  to tell what you do.  It’s also known as conjure and rootwork.  Practitioners of Hoodoo can be called Rootworkers because many believe the herbs and roots that they work with are alive and contain elements to heal anything in life. 

I want you to know that it’s not just about doing spells or rituals to get things.  Hoodoo is something that you make your own.  You actually make a relationship with it.  There’s a connection to the spirit world, your ancestors and spirit guides and when you open up they will guide you.  I will tell you a secret: they have been there waiting for you.  

Hoodoo provides nurturing, comfort, answers, protection and power.  It is a vehicle that makes my existence on this earth better and because of it I am never alone and it can do the same for you.  

I don’t believe there are any coincidences in life.  Your soul was led here to Hoodoo Girl Magic to embrace your inheritance left by your ancestors.  Join the Hoodoo Girl Magic Sisterhood and Become a Hoodoo Girl! 

Sending you a huge dose of Sparkling Positive Energy, the Highest Blessings and of course LOVE,


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