Why balance between your Masculine and Feminine Energies is so important?

Why balance between your Masculine and Feminine Energies is so important?

Why balance between your Masculine and Feminine energy is so important?


We live in a society where it is so important to produce results, to succeed and to have material things. 


While there is absolutely nothing wrong with working hard, success or having luxury.


What can happen to women is that we can take a lot of action which is masculine and it can take a toll on us.  


The reason that feminine energy is so important is that if you run on just masculine energy, you can risk burnout, health issues and create problems in relationships.  



Both men and women have masculine and feminine polarities.  Generally, the masculine energy or Yang provides and protects while the feminine energy, the Yin is vulnerable and receives.


If you are a Career Woman, it can be very necessary to take action to get things done in the workplace. 


Even Parenting requires this because as Mothers we give to our children, we nurture them and we protect them and a lot of times we put ourselves last.  

When you just operate in masculine energy only, you are more susceptible to illness and body aches like back pain. 


Oftentimes, you become tired so you may reach for stimulants like coffee and even get in a cycle of unhealthy eating and even emotional eating.  


Your relationships can also suffer because when you put yourself last, your loved ones don’t get the best version of you that is happy and relaxed. 


As well, it can be hard turning it off when you are involved with a man so you may have power struggles, just not feel like dealing with romance or it can be difficult for you to be led by a man who is in his masculine energy.  

 So what can you do to fix this? 


  • You can put yourself first because you are the core of your world. 
  • You can also eat healthy, exercise, dance, rest, attend to your appearance - when you look good, you feel good. 
  • Saying NO when necessary
  • Asking and receiving support


Establishing a spiritual practice with Bond Beauty Magic Rituals can put you into your feminine energy.

The benefits you gain are being able to Manifest Your Dreams and adding that spark back into your life.  It can help you to heal and uncover the layers to emotional well being. 


You can also learn that you get more done through balance and rest and not feel guilty which will make you feel good.



"I don’t believe there are any coincidences in life..."


Your soul was led here to Bond Beauty to embrace your inheritance left by your ancestors.  Join the Hoodoo Girl Magic Sisterhood and Become a Hoodoo Girl! 

Sending you a huge dose of Sparkling Positive Energy,  the Highest Blessings and of course LOVE,

Alicia Bond,


...If you have grabbed my ebook yet, enter your email address below and I'll send it instantly to your inbox. It's all about using your feminine energy to assist you in manifesting your dreams and the 3 steps your can start today to begin manifesting with your Hoodoo Magic.


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